Women's Congress for Future Generations

Women's Congress for Future Generations
Women's Congress for Future Generations

Pledge for Delaware River Basin

Pledge for Delaware River Basin

For the Benefit of All Generations – Those Here and Those to Come ...

I Take This Pledge of Resistance & Protection.

I Pledge in Solidarity to Resist shale gas development and all the drilling, fracking, land clearing, water

withdrawals, pipelines, compressors, and infrastructure, and destruction it brings to the living communities of the

Delaware River Watershed.

I Pledge to Protect the Delaware River’s watershed, forests, streams, and wetlands that are the life-giving source of

water for over 17 million people, and plants and animals with whom we share this earth.

I Pledge to Protect public health from the large amounts of cancer-causing and climate-changing air, water and land

pollution emitted from fracking, drilling, their infrastructure and activities.

I Pledge to Protect the livelihoods, healthy food, farms, ecological systems, education, recreation, art, and jobs that

are irreplaceable and dependent on a healthy Delaware River.

In making this pledge I state my firm, honest and informed belief that:

 shale gas development including horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracking is an accident-prone, inherently dangerous

industrial process with risks that include catastrophic and irremediable environmental damage;

 the risks of shale gas development cannot be properly resolved, nor can they be mitigated through regulation by any

government agency;

 there is ample science and experience to demonstrate the real and potential harms that shale gas extraction and its

associated activities and infrastructure pose to the health of present and future generations including the health, safety

and well-being of our bodies, water, air, food, and the quality of our homes, communities, and lives;

 it is wrong to destroy natural lands, streams, wetlands, forests, habitats and watersheds for gas wells, pipelines and

infrastructure; to pollute the air, to deplete and pollute billions of gallons of surface and ground water, and to

contaminate communities with noise, light, traffic and pollution in order to drill and frack for gas;

 it is wrong to expose ourselves, our communities and future generations to the degradation that gas development brings

through its extraction, delivery, processing and use including increasing methane pollution that accelerates – does not

diminish – the impacts of climate change and prevents needed investment in true energy security that is provided by

energy conservation coupled with renewable, efficient and economically sustainable energy sources;

 the Delaware River Basin Commission, the Governors of the states of the Delaware River Watershed, the President of

the United States, and our state and national political leaders have a solemn legally and morally binding obligation to

current and future generations to:

➸ protect the Delaware River and its watershed from all industrial practices, land clearing, water withdrawals, waste

discharges, construction, drilling, fracking and infrastructure, such as pipelines and air compressors, associated with

extracting shale gas; and

➸ invest in and ensure energy conservation and the use of truly sustainable sources of energy to light, warm and fuel

our future.

I make this pledge because:

✺ The Delaware River is an irreplaceable source of drinking water for 17 million people.

✺ The Delaware River, its tributaries and watershed ecosystems support a multi-billion dollar ecotourism industry and all

the jobs associated with them.

✺ The Delaware River and its watershed communities and resources provide educational, recreational, and health benefits

to people from throughout the region, nation and world.

✺ The Delaware River is part of the Atlantic Flyway and guides the annual migration of a multitude of species – gracing

our skies with their beauty and courage.

✺ The Delaware River is host and home to irreplaceable species like the horseshoe crab that is not only a critical part of

the food chain, but also provides an irreplaceable substance that ensure vaccines and medical devices used throughout

the nation are safe and healing.

✺ The Delaware River Watershed is home to spectacular landscapes and archaeological treasures like the Water Gap

National Recreation Area and the rich history of the Lenape.

✺ The Delaware River is an irreplaceable gem in the fabric and health of our communities and lives; it is the heart of our

watershed, our region and our communities.

Hence I Pledge that …

If the Delaware River Basin Commission, the Governors of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware or Maryland,

the President of the United States, or any of our state or national leaders permit any processes or infrastructure in support of

shale gas development in any part of the Delaware River Watershed, I pledge to join with others to engage in lawful nonviolent

acts of protest, including demonstrations and other lawful non-violent actions, as my conscience leads me.

I make this pledge to prevent the destruction and poisoning of the water, air, lands, natural systems and food systems, on

which life, health and economic prosperity all depend–including those of future generations.

Signed ____________________________________________ , on this day __________, _____


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